Materials and Equipment
Parrot fish
Salt Plastic pail or basin
Remove adhering material from the fish and wash with fresh water. Scale, eviscerate, split and wash thoroughly.
Soak the cleaned fish in 10% brine solution for 1-2 hours. Drain for few minutes. Mix salt with fish. Set aside 1/4 of the salt for resalting the fish.
Pack the salted fish in plastic pail or basin. After 24 hours, drain the fish and repack in the remaining salt.
Store at room temperature for one to two weeks.
Shrimp Cake (Guinamos)
Materials and Equipment
Small shrimps (alamang) Salt Mortar and pestle
Polyethylene bags Drying trays Banana leaves
Plastic bowls
Remove adhering materials from shrimp. Wash thoroughly by placing them in a woven basket and dipping in clean seawater several times.
Partially dry the shrimps for one day to lower the moisture content, by spreading them thinly on clean mats or drying racks.
Add salt to shrimp (2:3) during tracing. Tracing is done by pounding the shrimp-salt mass with mortar and pestle. After mixing, dry the mass for one day.
Form into round shape or cubes
Package product in clean banana leaves or in low-density polyethylene bags.
Split Salted Fish (Daeng)
Materials and Equipment
Mackerel Siganid/Rabbitfish
Scad Brining container or tank
Salt Drying trays
Plastic bags or wooden boxes
Remove scales if present and split the fish at the back part.
Remove internal organs.
Wash the split fish thoroughly in clean fresh water.
Soak in saturated brine for 30-40 minutes depending on the size and salt desired in the finished product.
Drain fish, arrange on drying trays and dry under the sun for 2-3 days or until dry.
Cool, pack in plastic bags or wooden boxes and store in a cool, dry place.
source: Techno-Tulong - www.stii.dost.gov.ph, photo from otopphilippines.gov.ph
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